Use the outline below to define your project. |
Your Group:
- Please describe the group you represent, who your competitors are or may be and critique their web sites, if any.
- Designate the members of your group who will be working on the project and their contact information.
- How will decisions be made and by whom?
- Will there be other Internet, marketing, or publishing professionals working on this project?
- List company/community/group resources and individuals that will assist your project along with their respective roles.
Your Goals and Objectives:
- What is the overall objective of your effort?
- What are the principal goals of your project? (i.e., direct sales revinue, distribute information, communication access, logo branding/identity reinforcement, etc.)
- What end result will make this project successful and how will you measure success?
- What is your time frame and schedule requirements?
- What is the budget for this project?
- Is there an acceptable budget range, depending on the complexity and quality of services provided? Please explain.
- Has any previous work been done toward designing a website.
- Will your website reflect an existing marketing strategy? If so, are there copyright, graphics or other issues to consider?
Your Priorities: Rate the list by order of importance:
- ____Extend services
- ____Boost marketing and sales
- ____Provide content and information
- ____Attract new visitors/clients
- ____Speed distribution of goods and services
- ____Create an Internet identity
- ____Enhance communication/networking
- ____Gain advantage over competitors
- ____Create a special interest group
- ____Convey a message to a large audience
- ____Stay within budget
- ____Simpify maintenance
Your Audience:
- What audience do you want to attract?
- What are your goals for each type of visitor?
- What are the products/services involved?
- What are your goals for these products/services?
Your Content:
- Where will content come from?
- Will the site be new, redesigned, or both?
- How often will you add new content?
- Who will update the content?
Your Features:
- What features do you think you will require? (i.e. catalogues, secure transactions, password protected directories, download documents, databases, translations, applications, etc.)
- Who will keep these current?
- Are there extraordinary security issues?
- Are there other technical issues or limitations?
- Have you budgeted for hosting and maintenance of the site? If so, what is your budget?
- Who will maintain the site contents?
- How will the site be served/hosted?
- What types of legacy systems/databases are in place?
- What is your long-term plan for the site?
Your Guidelines: Make a website Example List. Find several high quality sites on the Web that:
- Represent companies/groups similar to yours.
- Appeal to the same target group of customers.
- Display certain graphics and designs you wish to emulate.
- Reflect the same size as you expect your site to be.
- Have similar content and information. Have a similar overall concept.
- Contain features you like. (i.e. internal searches, forms, etc.)
- Are your favorite sites for whatever reasons.