business sites by Langard MicroDevelopers
MAR 13 2025
Visibility means getting your information to the largest viewing audience possible. Optimization produces high search engine rankings.
The major search engines and several hundred smaller directories are the means most people will use to find your website. It is critical that your site be structured from the very beginning to enhance your eventual position in these search engine rankings when your site is promoted.

No matter how artistic you wish your site to be, it is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY that it expresses the core values of your business so that both humans and other computers can rate it based upon it's relevance.
Everything from the actual physical position of visible words on a page to counting the "saturation" of keywords related to your business are taken into account when optimizing your website. Meta Tags (Title, Description and Keywords) that reside in the code and numerous other invisible HTML elements contribute to the promotion of your entire web project as well.

This means that - much like constructing a house - your website cannot succeed without a sound foundation tied directly to the overall concept and design.
Good, relevant content and a strong presentation are still vitally important whether your website is being reviewed by a real person or an indexing agent (robot/spider).

More recent promotional efforts include budgeting funds for one-time paid reviews by the larger Internet content providers (like Looksmart and Inktomi) who fuel the other search engines with information.

The bottom line is that designers, programmers, digital artists and all other individuals involved with a website production MUST collaborate to make optimization a reality from the start.

For these reasons it is sometimes easier and less expensive to build a new business website completely from scratch rather than re-make a poorly constructed one.
Ø Phi Series™ Projects
National Campground Directory
Oregon Real Estate Agent Directory
Naturally Yours
Oxbow Trade Co
Jackson Oil Inc
Lawn Mower Dealers Net
The Dog Pages



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